Tagged: Crooked Politicians

Call from hell…

Barack Obama, Angela Merkel and Vladimir Putin die at the same time and end up in hell.
As they arrive, they all spot a telephone and immediately ask what is the purpose.
The devil tells them that it can be used to call earth in exceptional circumstances.
Since all three of them consider that the circumstances are indeed exceptional because they didn’t get a chance to settle all their problems, they decide to ask if they can use it.
Putin then asks to call Russia, he talks for 5 minutes and the devil tells him he owes 1 million rubles.
Putin writes a check.
Angela Merkel in turn asks to call Germany.
She talks for 20 minutes and the devil asks her 6 million Euros.
She pays cash.
Barack Obama then takes the telephone, calls Washington and talks for 4 hours.
At the end of the call the devil tells him he owes $10.
When Putin hears it he gets into a gigantic rage and asks the devil why Obama’s getting preferential treatment.
The devil smiles and tells him that since Obama was elected back in 2008 the United States has become hell and therefore it is a local call.